Newport Beach Request for Order Attorneys Representing You During RFO Hearings
Filing a Request for Order (RFO) or responding to one can be easy or complicated, depending on the kind of forms you need. The specific ones tend to be straightforward and easy to figure out, while the others can be complex.
Known as Form FL-300, this is a form that’s required right after a divorce letter has been filed and served. Whatever your specific situation, you’ll need the help of an experienced Newport Beach Request for Order attorney.
Sarieh Law’s Newport Beach Request for Order attorneys have been filing this form for clients and responding on their behalf for years. So, no matter which side of the divide you’re on, we can help you with this.
What Does a Request for Order (RFO)
A Request for Order often entails specific requests filed with the courts pending the conclusion of a divorce or legal separation case. Most of the time, it includes requests like:
- Temporary order for child custody and support
- Temporary order for a partner or spousal support and alimony
- Temporary order regarding visitation rights
- Temporary use of property like a vehicle
- Request for the other party to pay the legal fees for the case
Request for Order filings are usually meant to be a temporary situation. So, if your soon-to-be ex-spouse or partner is requesting for sole custody pending the divorce ruling, you can actually appeal this.
It’s not a permanent situation. It only becomes permanent if the courts rule that at the end of the case.
What Happens at a Request for Order Hearing?
That depends on whether you filed it or are the defendant. Whatever the case, these hearings are meant to examine the merits of these requests, so the courts can decide to grant the request or deny it.
If you were served with the RFO document, you’ll need to file a response before showing up to the hearing. Most times, you’ll need to show up an at RFO hearing to tell the judge what your position is regarding the request.
If you did the serving, you’ll attend to ensure that the judge grants your request. Kindly note that filing this doesn’t mandate the responding party to attend. It does help if they have contrary views and positions, but they’re not compelled to be there.
Most times, once the request is filed, the courts will often send the petitioner and respondent to mediation. This way, both entities would have ironed out their differences, and reached a fair agreement before appearing in court for the RFO hearing.
The dates of these mediation sessions can be either decided by the court or parties would have to request them from the conciliation court.
Newport Beach Request for Order Attorneys Can Help
Sarieh Law’s attorneys’ years of experience with cases like this means that we can guide you through the entire process, and represent you. All legal advice comes from handling many cases like yours, knowing what works, and what doesn’t.
In these cases, you need competent trained RFO and family lawyers in Newport Beach to get a fair hearing, and favorable outcomes. Our attorneys are trained family law specialists who know the best approaches and can tell you what’s most important during an RFO.
Let’s help you today. Call Sarieh Law on (949) 542-6209 now for a free 30-minute case evaluation.