Newport Beach Lawyers Committed to Unearthing Hidden Assets, Monies and Properties
Hiding assets with the intention of preventing your ex-spouse from getting their share of it is a crime in California.
The state is a community property state, which means that all properties, assets, funds, and debts, acquired during the course of a marriage, are subject to being split equally by both parties.
As a result, California’s courts require full transparency and asset declaration during divorce cases. This way, they can tally up assets and properties, and divide them fairly between both parties.
If you suspect that your ex-spouse might be hiding assets that you know nothing of, or was aware of, but suddenly can’t account for when you drew up your assets list, you should talk to our very experienced Newport Beach hidden assets lawyers.
Sarieh Law Offices attorneys have a lot of experience with hidden assets cases. So, we know what to look for and how to ascertain that your ex-spouse may be hiding assets.
Newport Beach Hidden Assets Lawyers – How to Determine if Your Ex-Spouse is Hiding Assets?
If you don’t have concrete evidence, but have a strong suspicion that your spouse might be hiding assets, there are some telltale signs that will definitely give them away. Most tend to do one or more of the following:
- Make large expenses even when they claim they have no money
- Live opulently after filing for bankruptcy
- May intentionally overpay the IRS so they can get a refund later on
- Take cash payments in their business to avoid any paper trail
- Create false debts
- Transfers community assets or properties to extended family or third parties
- Have hidden or offshore accounts
- Underreport income
- Claim assets were lost or never existed –this is a dead giveaway if you were aware of it
If you’ve noticed one or more of this, you should call Sarieh Law’s Newport Beach family law attorneys on 949-828-2267 immediately. This is important because it’ll help uncover these assets before they’re properly hidden.
Newport Beach Hidden Assets Attorneys – How We Can Help
As soon as you hire us, we’ll swing into action to help prove these suspicions. Sometimes, clients don’t have concrete evidence of their spouse hiding assets. They just feel that something is amiss, and that their soon-to-be ex is hiding away assets so they can’t touch them.
For us, this is enough to warrant an investigation into their finances, assets, properties and debts. We may have to carry out forensic audits and analysis of their assets based on the documents you and your ex-spouse provide.
This is done to spot anomalies, if there are any. We’ll also carry out a discovery process to ascertain if there are any hidden assets. During this stage, we may review financial accounts and documents, interview both you and your partner, as well as ask them specific questions designed to force the truth.
In some instances, we may engage the services of private investigators and forensic auditors. There are so many ways and strategies that we could deploy. But, you need to get in touch with us first.
If you’re in this situation and want to make sure that your ex is declaring all their assets, let us help you. Call Sarieh Law Offices today on 949-828-2267, for a free 30-minute case evaluation.