Newport Beach Child Visitation Lawyers Dedicated to Enforcing Child Visitation Agreements
For parents who are unable to secure sole child custody, there’s always the option of child visitation. The laws in California allow for these non-custodial parents to have child visitation rights. This is the right to visit your children at an agreed time and spend some parenting time with them.
Depending on the judgment by the courts this can be anywhere from a few hours a day per week to multiple days a week. This arrangement often provides a sense of stability to the children, and some measure of normalcy.
However, the arrangement can become tricky – if not impossible – if one or both parents are incredibly busy, and have highly demanding jobs requiring them to sometimes switch their visitation. As a result, the kids end up not seeing or spending time with the other parent.
What’s the Best Approach to Setting up a Visitation Schedule that Works?
That depends on both parties. While it’s possible to draw up schedules that would be favorable for everyone, the reality is that’s not often the case. This is more apparent in high conflict divorce cases.
Some parents have been known to threaten their spouses with zero access to the kids. Some have even hinted at kidnapping the children and fleeing to a place where they feel their ex wouldn’t be able to find them. Others have been known to physically threaten the kids, and their ex-partner. The reality is child visitation cases are as diverse as they come.
Which is why we recommend the presence of a Newport Beach child visitation attorney. A highly experienced child visitation lawyer understands that these issues are very sensitive. As a result, they’ll serve as good mediators between both parties, or keep the proceedings civil if there’s a lot of animosity.
Both parties can decide on the rigidity or flexibility of their visitation schedule. Our Newport Beach child visitation lawyers are uniquely skilled and equipped to make this transition as smooth as possible, and help both parties come to an amicable resolution about these matters.
Sometimes, ex-partners cannot find mutual grounds for visitation. When this happens, the case is presented before a mediator who will try to find mutual grounds for both parties. Taking the case to court before a judge is usually the last resort.
If this ever happens, you need a qualified lawyer as your ally to help ensure that you get a fair outcome that will allow you to spend time with your child
When are Supervised Child Visitation Arrangements Necessary In Newport Beach?
When parents have to visit their children while an adult is present, this is known as supervised visitation. This is necessary to protect the child, whilst still maintaining the child-parent relationship.
Supervised child visitations in Newport Beach are necessary when the parent is deemed dangerous, not of sound mind, or negligent. Noncustodial parents who have substance abuse issues, or are liable to neglect the child or put them in harm’s way, are likely to get supervised visitations.
At Sarieh Law Offices, ALC, our Newport Beach child visitation lawyers are qualified to handle all child visitation issues. Reach out to our family law lawyers for assistance regarding your rights to visit your child. Call us today at 949-828-2267 for free case consultation.